"Y asi vemos que cuandos estos lamanitas llegaron a conocer y la verdad de ellas, se mantuvieron firmes, y prefirieron, padecer hasta la muerte antes de pecar; y asi vemos que enterraron sus armas de paz, o sea, enterraron sus armas de guerra en bien de la paz."
Siempre me ha gustado este versiculo.
Siempre pense que es tan interesante como evidente el cambio que el Evangelio de Jesucristo trae a la vida de alguien.
Como pueblo, las lamanitas eran personas violentes y enojadas. Gente que causo una gran cantidad de la guerra. Pero cuando Ammon y sus hermanos les traeron el Evangelio, los lamanitas aprendieron la verdad y eoncontraron una luz. Cristo. Descubrieron lo increible que es que se arrepientan. Para dejarlo todo a nuestro Padre Celestial y, a traves de su Hijo Jesucristo, ser libres.
Antes, sus armas eran lo que pensaban mantenerse a salvo y en paz. Si ellos podian luchar, ellos se defienden y que no importa cuantos muertos o heridos habia en el camino. Tal vez podria ser mejor si eso paso, porque de lo que habia sucedido en el pasado y el rencor que no habia soltado.
Pero despues, sus armas no eran las cosas mas largo de paz, sino de la guerra. Y a traves del arrepentimiento, se dieron cuenta de que la verdadera paz vino de la aceptacion de su Salvador y vivir como El lo haria.
Hemos tambien hecho todo lo posible para enterrar las armas de guerra?
"And thus we did see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried their weapons of war, for peace."
I've always loved this verse.
I've just always thought that it's so interesting how evident the change the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings into someone's life is.
The Lamanites, as a whole, were a really violent, angry people. People who caused a lot of war. But once Ammon and his brotheren brought the Gospel to them, they learned the truth and they found a light. Christ. They found how amazing it is to repent. To give everything up to our Heavenly Father and, through His son Jesus Christ, be free.
It is through repentance that this group of Lamanites changed their views of life completely.
Before, their weapons were what they thought kept them safe and at peace. If they could fight, they would defend themselves and it wouldn't matter how many others they killed or hurt in the way. It might even be better if that happened because of things that had happened in the past and grudges they hadn't let go.
But after, their weapons were no longer things of peace, but of war. And through repentance, they realized that the real peace came from accepting their Savior and living like He would.
Have we also done everything we can to bury our weapons of war?
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