Tuesday, May 24, 2011

lesson from a 10 year old.

So the other day I was struggling [like always] with bearing my testimony in Spanish.
We were spending the afternoon contacting in this trailer park that we're in a lot and trying to find more people to teach, and we went back to our car feeling a little down because we were just frustrated at my lack of Spanish abilities.
Then we ran into Getsemani, a ten year old girl who's a member of the branch we serve in. She's just awesome. She's always willing to share the gospel with her friends at school and tell them what she believes.

We posed the question:
"How do you know the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet?"

She answered:
"Because God's always the same. And He's always called prophets; so Joseph Smith was a prophet because he was called by God, and the Book of Mormon is true because he was a prophet."

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
-Matthew 7:20 (15-20)

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