- ver.
- caminar.
- masticar. Porque la vida seria aborrida si pudieramos comer la comia rica de la Navidad..
- Tambien estoy contenta de que yo pueda digerir los alimentos.
- cantar. Me encanta cantar. A veces. Tambien, me encanta que todos podemos contar. De veras. Solo, no todos podemos cantar muy bien...
- nadar.
- escribir.
- manejar un carro. Esto es una habilidad fisica, verdad?
- respirar.
- oler. Aunque esto no es una habilidad de que siempre estoy agredecida..
"Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó." [Genesis 1:27]
Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for.
Our bodies are a gift from our loving Heavenly Father. They're part of His plan to help us become more like Him. Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for.
- Seeing.
- Walking.
- Chewing. Because life would be pretty boring if you couldn't eat food.. especially at Christmas.
- I'm also glad that I can digest food.
- Singing. I love to sing. Sometimes. I also love that everyone can sing. Really. Just not everyone can sing well...
- Swimming.
- Typing.
- Driving a car. That's a physical ability right?
- Breathing.
- Smelling. Even though that's one that I'm not always that appreciative of..
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." [Genesis 1:27]
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