Habia una vez cuando el Presidente Boyd K. Packer [del quorum de los 12 apostoles] era presidente de una mision, el estaba hablando con un misionero. El Presidente Packer pidio que los misioneros hicieran algunas cosas para ayudarles ver mas exito en su obra. Pero este misionero en particular se sentia que el no podia ver ningun exito del trabajo que estaba haciendo, aunque el pansaba que estaba haciendo todas la cosas correctas. El no podia ver los frutos de sus labores y todo lo que habia hecho.
Este exasperado misionero fue a hablar con el Presidente Packer preguntando
Si yo tuviera una moneda por cada vez que he tenido que aprender una leccion asi, bueno, podemos decir que yo tendria mas dinero..."Presidente, que estoy haciendo mal?"A lo que la respuesta fue,"Usted no esta haciendo nada malo.Usted simplemente no ha hecho las cosascorrectas el tiempo suficiente todavia."
Se que nuestro Padre Celestial nos contesta. Pero se que El nos contesta en Su tiempo.
Es dificil esperar? A veces, si.
Pero, testifico con un apostol del Senor que
Y cuando hacemos esto, podemos tener mas paz y consuelo y tambien felicidad."La fe en Dios incluye la fe en Su tiempo."-Elder Russell M. Nelson
Yesterday we were in a meeting with our mission president. And he told us a story.
One time, when President Boyd K. Packer [of the quorum of the 12 apostles] was a mission president, he was talking with a missionary. President Packer had asked these missionaries to do certain things to help them see success in their work. But this particular missionary felt like he wasn't seeing any success in the work that he was doing, even though he felt like he was doing everything right. He couldn't see any fruits coming from his labors and all that he felt that he was putting in.
This exasperated missionary went to President Packer asking,
Now if I had a nickel for every time that I have had to learn that lesson, well, it's safe to say that I'd have a considerable amount of money..."President, what am I doing wrong?"To which the reply was,"You're not doing anything wrong.You just haven't been doing the rightthings long enough yet."
I know that Heavenly Father answers us. But I also know that He answers in His own time.
Is it hard to wait? Yeah, sometimes. Ok. Most times.
But I testify with an apostle of the Lord that
"Faith in the Lord includes faith in His timing."-Elder Russell M. Nelson
And when we do this we can have more peace, comfort and happiness too.
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